Integrated Channels

Manage multiple channels on a single platform, no more switching tabs and delayed replies
Manage inquiries by messaging customers instantly across all channels
Manage multiple channels on a single patform, no more switching tabs and delayed replies. Digital marketing that facilitate interaction with customers is prevailing in the Gen Z gradually become a global trend.
All-in-One Message Inbox
Engage with customers anywhere, anytime by managing their conversations from your website, messaging channels like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp for better communications and more sales.

・Integrate Website and Social channels
・Customer Profile and Shopping Behaviors
・Team Collaboration with Chat Status
・Human-bot handoff
・Complete Searchable, Filtered by Channel & Tag
・Saved Reply (Canned Message)
Make every customer connection count
Create a more human buying experience by giving customers personal touch points with your brand through the familiar medium of messaging, whether on your website or in their messaging apps with our website messenger. Target welcome messages in context for different audiences and greet your VIPs by name automatically.
Chatbots for all customer channels
Build custom bots deployed to your website and social messengers to avoid your customers from waiting. Chatbots free up your team’s time by working 24/7 to identify more customers, convert sales and handle frequent enquiries.

・Build in minutes with Chatbot Builder
・Keyword Automation
・Work Perfect with Human Agent
・Automated Tag & Segment
・Acquire Users, Engage & Sell

Not sure where to start?

Contact our sales team or check out our API rates.